Tuesday, 10 January 2012


History of IBM

Founder : Thomas. J. Watson on June 16, 1911

HQ : Armonk, NY

CEO : Ginni Rometty


Initially started by Charles Ranlett Flint as Computing – Tabulating – Recording Company in 1911 which manufactured and sold various machineries like punched cards, tabulating machines, and even meat and cheese slicers etc. On Feb 14, 1924 C-T-R was renamed as International Business Machines (IBM).
In 1957, IBM developed FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation).

IBM’s current 8-bar logo was designed by Paul Rand in 1972.

Big Blue
One of the story behind this name is that it was coined by IBM field representatives in 1960s, referring to the colour of the mainframes installed by IBM in 1960s and 70s.
Another story is that business writers coined the name from the term “True Blue” which was used to describe a loyal IBM customer.


Better known as ?????


Friday, 6 January 2012

Harry potter QUIZ


X is the title of Korean Buddhist document written by the Buddhist monk Baegun. It was printed during Goryeo dynasty in 1377. According to UNESCO, it is the world's oldest movable metal print book. UNESCO includes it in the memory of the world program.
Id X

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

New questions will be posted soon. I was busy with Q'Senate challenge