Thursday, 4 April 2013

QC# 72

1. X is an Arabic word which is used to indicate that it is permissible under Islamic law and is commonly seen along with food products. According to  Surah 2:173, it is not a sin to take non X food if forced or if there is no other way. Identify X…

2. It was the time of Purna kumbh mela in 1911 February 18 when pilot Henry Pequet flew the Humber biplane from Allahabad to Naini to enter into the history books. Its 100th anniversary was re enacted by Indian Air Force in 2011. What are we talking about ?

3. Connect....

4. Identify the town which is named after this person and on the right you can see a poem written by him on same name.

5. Name the only Olympian rower to earn gold medals in 5 consecutive Olympics ?


1. Halal
2. World's first airmail
3. Fullbright Programs (scholarships). First photo shows George Washington and second one is of William Fullbright. George Washington University was the first institute to participate in this program
4. Abottabad, famous for Bin Laden's assasination
5. Steve Redgrave

1 comment:

  1. 1. Halal
    2. World's 1st Airmail
    3. Funbright Scholarships at the Washington University.
    4. Abottabad
    5. Steve Redgrave
